The Voiceprint Analysis

Voice Analysis

What is a Voiceprint Analysis?

Our voice carries more than just words – it holds the key to unlocking the emotions trapped in our energy fields. These emotions play a significant role in our overall health and well-being. The vibrations of our voice reflect the state of our emotional and energetic bodies, providing valuable insights into our inner selves.

The throat chakra, known as the energetic center for communication and self-expression, can get blocked when we are not authentic in our words and actions. Lies and inauthenticity can create energetic blockages in this area, impacting our ability to express ourselves freely and affecting our overall health.

Tiny pulses occurring in the tongue constantly script our mind chatter, recording our energy and experiences. Our voice acts as a powerful transmitter of this inner dialogue, reflecting the subtle nuances of our emotional landscape.

Voiceprint analysis offers a unique way to interact with the information held within our body-field through the voice. The heart uses sound waves to carry and imprint information into the blood, demonstrating the profound connection between sound, health, and the body-field. Every part of our body contributes to the production of our voice, creating a holographic imprint of our entire body-field.

By capturing a recording of your voice, I can gain a record of your body-field that can be compared to a map of the body-field. All it takes is a simple 10-second recording on your phone to begin this transformative journey.

My offerings of the voiceprint analysis generates a report outlining the emotions held in your energy at that time. 

As a practitioner with experience since 2016, I bring a wealth of knowledge and expertise to this transformative process. Let’s work together to uncover the hidden emotions within your energy field and embark on a journey of healing and self-discovery.

Take the first step towards innerstanding your emotional landscape and unlocking the power of your voice with the voiceprint analysis offering. Schedule your session today and experience the profound impact of voice analysis on your health and well-being.

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