Initiate the Energy Encompassing Your Subconscious Mind

Conception to Delivery: Nine sessions of Transformation

When we direct our focus inward with a masterplan, a remarkable transformation occurs as we stir the energy encompassing our subconscious mind. This mind, shaped by programmed thoughts and childhood experiences, often remains veiled behind walls of fear and deep-rooted emotions, shaping our daily reality through internal dialogues. The transformative power of the Change Your Frequency Master Plan’s nine sessions lays in the magic of reconnecting with our true essence. Each session serves as a journey from conception to delivery, tapping into your original energy to uncover the core issues and identify any distorted energy vibrations. Drawing on my expertise, I possess the ability to uncover unspoken truths, often revealing unexpected root causes in our very first session together. By guiding you through the process of releasing these roots once and for all, your frequency undergoes a profound shift, leading to lasting change.

The Nine Sessions Overview

Conceive & Deliver

In this foundational session, we will harness the power of the Voiceprint scan to identify emotions and intricacies, laying the groundwork for your transformative journey. I will go through the stages of each session in more detail.

During this phase, we will pull together critical information crucial for changing your frequency. We will delve deeper, shedding light on sabotage language and sounds that resonate through your body. 

This session will offer an in-depth exploration of your active and reactive traits and mind environment. We will identify patterns, untangle the compartments within your mind, starting the process of cleaning and sealing your energy.

In this phase, we will immerse ourselves in innerstanding the unconscious mind, triggers, and the profound impact of different mind states. We will embark on a journey of developing brain circuitry while using powerful techniques to harness your thoughts.

Exploring the intricate web of relationships, this session will shine a light on the imposter/s, the EGO, and the concealed narratives that profoundly shape our lives. Unearthing this veiled narrative will illuminate your controller and the story it weaves.

As we progress, this phase will focus on letting go, rewriting your story, and preparing for more profound energy cleansing. We will delve into the depths of your being, carefully filing a new, harmonious narrative.

During this pivotal phase, we will embark on decoding beliefs, undertake whole brain activation exercises, and engage in inner child work, paving the way for a transformative alignment shift.

This session will intertwine a guided meditation, fostering a profound sense of acceptance and enabling a powerful switch in your frequency. It is during this phase that we pave the way for lasting change, aligning your inner frequencies for a harmonious transformation.

As we approach the culmination of our journey, this session will incorporate affirmations, projecting your mind through time and space. Embracing the themes of accountability, forgiveness, and the divine delivery of transformation, we will nurture the seeds of change planted throughout our journey.

What Client's say!

“I did the 9 sessions with Martine at latter end of last year (2023). For me I knew there was something to do with my early years that was preventing me from experiencing gratitude or joy in my present. I didn’t know what, but I was in blame/victim mode and had no self love. Not a good place!
I needed one to one help from Martine.
This is when you experience her absolute expertise, and how reading energy like she does is an art form!.
The sessions very subtle and gentle so that for me it didn’t feel traumatic . She is so good at reading what needs to be said and done and when.
By the ninth session a shift had happened and I almost couldn’t remember my old self with the negative energy. I certainly didn’t relate to it anymore, so my reality changed. Quite amazing
Cheaper than a holiday and you won’t need holidays afterwards. And if you do, you will enjoy them more”.

What Client's say!

“I have woken feeling lighter after some follow up sessions last week with Martine. I have finally decided that the best investment I’m ever going to make in myself is doing the 9 session change your frequency Master Plan! My friend had a Blueprint with Martine and then went straight into the 9 sessions. She’s like a different person. Relaxed calm happy ! So I am going for it ! My husband said a holiday is two weeks away masking things where as this 9 week session is going to give lifetime benefits” xx

What Client's say!

“I completed the 9 session change your frequency masterplan  in the 3rd week of January, and my transformation has been amazing! All the old negative beliefs that were keeping me from being successful have gone. I have more drive and motivation than I have had in years! Martine helped me to find my life purpose, which I am now doing, and I am very grateful. I cannot recommend Martine highly enough. Thanks again”.

What Client's say!

“Martine is the right person, at the right time and in the right place for anyone who feels to ask for her insight and experience. After doing her 9 session Change Your Frequency Masterplan, you have CLARITY and PEACE knowing where you should be going in life TO BE THE BEST YOU and FEEL FULFILLED and PEACEFUL. It’s a pity many of us are wasting energy, time, money, opportunities, and are deeply hurt by human experiences only to find out, sometimes, that we took the wrong choices, the wrong career or worked so hard for something unsuitable and unsuccessful. Give yourself the gift of a meeting with her, and you’ll have the essential pieces of this puzzle called ‘life’ – your life”.

Free Meet Yourself E-Book

The Cosmic Dance of Creation:

Embracing the profound Wisdom Of sacred Geometry and Your ·Blueprint