Rewire Your
Inner Dialogue

Krysthl ·Brain Yoga

Something incredible happens when we dedicate time out for ourselves!


Immerse your energy centers and ignite the potency of who you are at your core


Energize yourself with Krysthl ·Brain Yoga as you renew and recharge your senses


Experience a sensation of calmness enabling you to pour from your cup inside out

"You should sit in meditation for 20 minutes a day, unless you're too busy then you should sit for an hour"

Old Zen saying

Krysthl •Brain Yoga beckons you to a realm of deep serenity, where harmony is woven into every breath. With a transformative technique that energizes your being, igniting the neural pathways within your brain, while also soothing your mind, body, and soul, you will emerge with a replenished cup and a profound inner calm reminiscent of pure bliss.

Are you prepared to embark on a journey of self-awareness, as I lead you on a path to connect with your inner realms, uncovering a deep sense of innerstanding, clarity, and unity with the world around you? Anchor the spirit within you as we delve into a realm of vivid imagery that resonates with your inner consciousness, waiting to be unveiled at the perfect moment, like a mystical revelation.


Transformation meditation
Treat yourself

Let's Take Care Of ourselves


Short frames

Short frames, with their quick and easily digestible nature, can indeed have an impact on the brain and cognitive processes, potentially leading to negative effects such as a reduction in critical thinking skills and an increase in attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) symptoms. Here are some ways in which short frames might affect the brain in these ways:

Reduced Cognitive Effort

Short frames often present information in a simplified or condensed form, requiring minimal cognitive effort to process. This can lead to a habit of seeking instant gratification and surface-level understanding, potentially diminishing the brain’s ability to engage in deep, complex thinking and analysis.

Attention Span and Focus

Constant exposure to short frames that are designed to capture attention quickly may contribute to a decrease in attention span over time. The fast-paced and fragmented nature of short content can train the brain to seek rapid stimulation, making it challenging to sustain focus on long-form or more complex information.

Information Overload

The abundance of short frames in today’s digital environment can contribute to information overload, overwhelming the brain with a constant stream of quick, disparate stimuli. This constant barrage of information can hinder the brain’s ability to process and retain information effectively, potentially leading to cognitive fatigue and reduced cognitive performance.


Short frames, with their quick and easily digestible nature, can indeed have an impact on the brain and cognitive processes, potentially leading to negative effects such as a reduction in critical thinking skills and an increase in attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) symptoms. Here are some ways in which short frames might affect the brain in these ways:

ImpulsivitY AND ADHD-like Symptoms

Short frames often present information in a simplified or condensed form, requiring minimal cognitive effort to process. This can lead to a habit of seeking instant gratification and surface-level understanding, potentially diminishing the brain’s ability to engage in deep, complex thinking and analysis.

Dependency on Instant Gratification

Short frames that cater to instant gratification and immediate responses can reinforce a dependence on quick, easily consumable content. This can impact the brain’s reward system, leading to a preference for short-term rewards over long-term goals and activities that require sustained effort and attention.

Limitation of Cognitive Flexibility

Continuous exposure to short frames may restrict the brain’s ability to think flexibly and adapt to diverse or complex information. The repetitive nature of short content formats can narrow the neural pathways associated with problem-solving, critical thinking, and creativity, potentially hindering cognitive flexibility and mental agility.

Impact on Social Interactions

The prevalence of short frames on social media platforms can influence social interactions by promoting brief, superficial communication over in-depth conversations and meaningful connections. This can potentially impact interpersonal relationships and communication skills, as well as the ability to engage in nuanced discussions and deep conversations.

In summary, while short frames offer convenience and immediate engagement, they can also have ramifications on cognitive processes, attention span, and mental health over time. Understanding the potential effects of constant exposure to short, rapid content can help individuals make conscious decisions about their media consumption habits and prioritize activities that promote deeper thinking, sustained attention, and cognitive well-being.

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Silver Package

Single sessions
£ 12


Four sessions
£ 36


Best value pay annual
£ 222
Krysthl Brain Yoga isn't your usual guided meditation, it's more!

Your questions answered

Krysthl ·Brain Yoga guided meditations focuses on aligning with the energy of the day, utilizing natural elements and vibrations to enhance meditation experiences. It also offers techniques to seal your energy field and protect yourself from external negativity, along with practices to strengthen brain circuitry and silence sabotaging mind chatter for deeper focus and mental well-being.

Krysthl ·Brain Yoga leverages the energy of each day to optimize personal energy flow and connect with natural vibrations, enhancing the meditation practice. By attuning to daily energy patterns, participants can deepen their alignment with the environment and amplify their meditation experiences.

Krysthl ·Brain Yoga offers specific techniques to seal and protect one’s energy field, especially when encountering negative energies from others. These practices help maintain a strong energetic boundary and prevent external influences from disrupting inner balance during meditation and daily interactions.

Krysthl Yoga ·Brain  incorporates techniques aimed at strengthening the brain’s circuitry to enhance focus, concentration, and resilience against distraction. By engaging in these practices, participants  can expand their cognitive abilities and overcome challenges associated with a shortened attention span, promoting better mental health and well-being.

Through ancient techniques, Krysthl ·Brain Yoga trains the mind to access deeper states of consciousness where inner chatter and negative thoughts are silenced. By learning to quiet the mind and enter a tranquil inner space, participants can achieve a more profound meditative experience free from disruptive mental patterns.

Krysthl ·Brain Yoga provides methods for training the mind to access regions of the brain where sabotaging thoughts are absent, enabling more effective group meditation experiences. By cultivating the ability to reach deeper states of consciousness, participants can enhance spiritual connections, collective energy alignment, and harmonious group dynamics during meditation.

The HueMan mind is a powerful instrument, capable of shaping our reality in ways both extraordinary and subtle. It has the capacity to construct prisons of self-doubt and limitation or build palaces of self-discovery and abundance. Our thoughts and perceptions can manifest as either scarcity or abundance in our lives. However………..continue 

Free Meet Yourself E-Book

The Cosmic Dance of Creation:

Embracing the profound Wisdom Of sacred Geometry and Your ·Blueprint