Exclusive Members

Membership is reserved for those prepared to deepen their personal voyage. As a private, invitation-only space, it is available exclusively to individuals who have received a Blueprint reading. This area is dedicated to a shared pursuit of self-discovery and provides a platform for enriching discussions to navigate life’s challenges.

Journey to Self

Transform Your Life Through a Guided Journey to Self

Boost Awareness

Amplify Your Consciousness for Positive Change

Inner peace

Discover True Serenity Within

Love is energy. She can come to a man, she can go. Man lives on many planes of existence, and he is a complex of all Universal energies. Love was the highest energy.

Question: What are the secrets of creating a truly happy, harmonious family? What is love ?

Love was the highest energy belonging only to the Divine, and he sent it to Earth only for his chi-gems, that is, for you and me. This energy will not accept destruction. Will not accept just a creation.

Love cannot be in a couple, who live in a stone bag, where people are surrounded by things that are slowly destroyed. Every minute, every second even the walls of the house where you live are being destroyed! There is no creation, and Love leaves. Her energy can live only when people are at least 60% surrounded by the Divine’s creations – self-recovering structures.


The topic of family, relationships between a man and a woman constantly arises in our online Journey to Self Sanctuary. 

We are forever in a relationship, beit with ourselves and or with others!

And love is the Journey to Self


Online Journey to Self Sanctuary

A Know-Thyself Blueprint Reading is a requirement for membership
The Sanctuary is changing my life
Arriving soon

The Mystory Academy

Join the most sought-after teachings waiting list to be the first to know the dates!


Your questions answered

What sets Journey to Self Sanctuary apart is the unique blend of ancient wisdom, Sacred Geometry, and the power of the 9 Vibrations, all personalized through your birth fate. You’re provided with a transformative experience that leads you to self-discovery and authenticity.

My work is designed to be accessible and enlightening for all. You don’t need prior knowledge to benefit from my offerings. My mission is to make the path to self-discovery innerstandable, engaging, and transformative.

The sanctuary welcomes all curious souls who seek self-awareness and personal growth. It’s for those who are ready to embark on a profound inner journey and uncover their true potential. If you’re ready for self-improvement, this sanctuary is for you.

If you ever decide to cancel, absolutely you can, the sanctuary monthly membership is a non contract, just stop your payment anytime and rejoin anytime, I do this to ensure you have the flexibility you need. My thoughts are about empowering our members to choose their journey.

Join us to gain self-awareness, inner peace, and personal growth. Our sanctuary offers a supportive community, valuable resources, and personalized insights that empower you to navigate life’s challenges with confidence and clarity. The Sanctuary is invite only and a Know-Thyself ·Blueprint  reading is required prior to joining


Design Your Destiny

The HueMan mind is a powerful instrument, capable of shaping our reality in ways both extraordinary and subtle. It has the capacity to construct prisons of self-doubt and limitation or build palaces of self-discovery and abundance. Our thoughts and perceptions can manifest as either scarcity or abundance in our lives. However………..continue 

Free Meet Yourself E-Book

The Cosmic Dance of Creation:

Embracing the profound Wisdom Of sacred Geometry and Your ·Blueprint