
Welcome to my offering area.

More Than a Reading, a Revelation: These readings go beyond the surface. They reveal not just the traits and tendencies associated with your initial public persona vibration but also uncover the depths of your soul’s journey.

60 min / £180

Feeling overwhelmed and seeking clarity? Our 60-minute private guidance session is here to provide relief. Through non-judgmental listening and expert guidance, you’ll find your worries lifting, revealing a clearer mindset.

30 min / £150

You’ll be amazed at what can be accomplished in just 30 minutes of one-on-one guidance. Let’s explore the particular issue you’re currently facing and uncover the underlying reasons behind it.

Scan and Digital Report

Your voice holds the energy of your emotions, this simple tool to identify your emotions can pin point exactly which emotion/s are being held and blocking you from tuning into the vast realm of possibilities around you. 

Free Meet Yourself E-Book

The Cosmic Dance of Creation:

Embracing the profound Wisdom Of sacred Geometry and Your ·Blueprint